Soccer never dies
Fifa International Soccer (also known as Fifa 94, more commonly) came out in 1993, the first of EA's yearly soccer game releases that still hold true amazingly to this day. This game set the groundwork for what other soccer games at the time were not. The crowd was brought to life with raucous cheering, and the isometric point of view (instead of the popular bird's eye view) used allowed the player supreme control over the soccer players on the field below. Soccer games at the time tried to bring the action of the sport and the grand view of the field to the players, but it was never captured properly. Though severely outdated now and all but forgotten, Fifa 94 is still playable this day, even when the latest are hyper-realistic with character names, numbers, and jerseys, which, at the time, EA could not get. If you're a fan of the newest Fifa games, do yourself a favor and check this one out sometime. It's a joy to see what the series started as and what it has become over the years since it's release. It's a good bit of fun!