List of adventure games
Showing 541 to 570 of 1652 games - sorted by popularity
Jewels of Darkness (1986)
Das Stundenglas (1990)
Perry Mason (1985)
Border Zone (1987)
Rings of Zilfin (1986)
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (1996)
Fish! (1988)
Twilight Zone (1988)
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" (1997)
Fire King (1989)
The Fourth Protocol (1985)
Ooze (1989)
Sherlock Holmes: The Vatican Cameos (1986)
L.A. Law (1992)
Time and Magik Trilogy, The (1988)
Quest for the Timebird (1989)
Gnome Ranger (1987)
The Holy Grail (1984)
Soul Crystal (1992)
Grail Quest (1991)
I, Damiano (1985)
MTV's Club Dead (1994)
Supernova (1987)
Earthly delights (1984)
Cyborg (1982)
Shard of Inovar (1987)
Trekboer (1984)
Scrooge (1991)
Robomaze 3 (1991)
Mystery Master: Felony! (1984)