List of adventure games
Showing 181 to 210 of 1652 games - sorted by popularity
Operation Stealth (1990)
RAMA (1996)
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (1995)
The City of Lost Children (1997)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995)
Police Quest 2 (1988)
Gabriel Knight 3 (1999)
Star Trek TNG: A Final Unity (1995)
Dreamweb (1994)
Blue Force (1993)
Teen Agent (1995)
Hook (1992)
Manhunter - New York (1988)
Zork Zero (1988)
Protostar (1993)
Evidence the Last Report (1996)
Fahrenheit 451 (1984)
Spellcasting 101 (1990)
Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure (1997)
Stationfall (1987)
Dragonworld (1984)
Hacker (1985)
Star Trek - The Rebel Universe (1987)
Wizard of Oz (1985)
Borrowed time (1985)
Fairy Tale about Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya (2000)
221B Baker Street (1986)
Amazon (1984)
Spy Fox: Operation Ozone (2001)
Dracula Trilogy (1999)