List of adventure games
Showing 241 to 270 of 1652 games - sorted by popularity
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (1988)
Normality (1996)
Gobliiins (1991)
Beneath a Steel Sky (1994)
Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark (1990)
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (1996)
Callahan Crosstime Saloon (1997)
Wrath of the Gods (1994)
Star Trek TNG: A Final Unity (1995)
Brain Dead 13 (1995)
The Big Red Adventure (1995)
The 11th Hour (1995)
Timelapse (1996)
Phantasmagoria 2 (1996)
Manhunter - New York (1988)
Tex Murphy 2 - Martian Memorandum (1991)
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back (1996)
Earthrise (1990)
Manhunter 2 - San Fransisco (1989)
Universe (1994)
Cadaver: the Payoff (1991)
Mean Streets (1989)
Wishbringer (1985)
Hariboy' s Quest (1996)
The Hound of Shadow (1989)
Beauty and The Beast (1994)
Sherlock Holmes (1992)
Stationfall (1987)
Bad Blood (1990)
Dragonworld (1984)