ASCII empire management! Wow!
It's incredible how ambitious this game was, given that it was released in 88, when it couldn't even manage to run on pixel graphics, and used ASCII sets for almost all of the graphical assets it uses. But, if you can look past the way it looks, you will find an empire managerial game, of a space scale that is very well put together. And that makes it one game that you should really look into playing, the kind of game that is all about the economic, the political and the actual conflicts. And guess what, minimalist and maybe unappealing as it may be, Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 is a game that allows you to get so much done, it allows you to take control of a lot of the situation at hand. And that is one of the best assets that it has available. Controls are pretty streamlined, and, George Morimisato, the developer has toiled over it extensively, so try it out, it won't disappoint. And download Traders: The Intergalactic Trading Game too, for a similar blend, yet one more interested in the economic side of intergalactic relationships.