Before Arkham City this was the way to play with Batman
Sometimes a no pretentions type game, a side scrolling beat them up and shooter mash up can be exactly what you want from your digital entertainment. Bring in our beloved Bruce Wayne, pit him against a number of physical as well as human obstacles and the recipe for a few hours of great entertainment are insured. This game will have you hunt down the nefarious Joker along with the old favorite, Mr. Penguin, who, in their particular fashion want to enslave Gotham once again. There will also be fights to be had which will require the use of Batman's famed arsenal of weapons. But, you won't spend your time only in the side scroller mode. You will also have to gather clues and put them together in such a fashion as to unlock the secrets of the bad guys. Truth be told, this is not the best sidescroller for the DOS operating system. If you really want a more mature experience and a more sprawling environment, Duke Nukem will be a much better option. However, if you're in for the Batman lore, the game will prove sufficiently well designed not to put you off, but again, don' expect a classic.