Take charge of your naval empire!
In Battleship: The Classic Naval Warfare Game you get three types of play sessions: in one of them you are to locate and destroy your enemy in a classic type of seek and destroy scenario, then you have the fleet fight, in which the game is more of a radar seek and deploy type deal and ultimately you get charging missions in which you get a number of torpedoes and the same NAVCOM surveillance system that will allow you to sink into a combination of strategy and action game. All in all, the game proposes a really interesting way to do battle, giving you as much as you want, though, most of the times, keeping you in check in terms of your strategy vs the amount of action that the game puts you against. But, the deal is one that works, that keeps you charged and there are many times when you will be tested by the game. Surely, this could be considered a naval wargame, but then again, it sure tried hard to present things in a novel way, so I can't really nail it as a classic hex based. You might get the same thrill from a game such as The 5th Fleet, though remember, Battleship: The Classic Naval Warfare Game is quite unique in its own way.