Futuristic shooter game, very console like...
In Lifeforce Tenka - Codename Tenka you will play as this future bound colonist, on a planet known as Extrevius 328. You are commissioned to be upgraded into a bionid, a sort of enhanced fighter that will be easier to control and do the bidding of the local government. But, you have a different agenda, as any half decent chosen one, and thus you will have to put on a fight to escape your fate. So the game starts, and I must admit, this is a heck of a nice shooter ride. My problem with the game was the very console like approach to the game; the little things really: the fact that the size of the on screen weapons take too much space, the fact that the levels are pretty small and too similar to one another, etc. But, ultimately, I found the game pleasing, even if not some gem. It is a sufficiently polished game, which is all you can ask, really, plus, it has just enough oomph to keep you going for a whole afternoon! Play it, or alternatively, for another FPS taking place in the future on a space colony, try Red Faction. Though not as diverse as that one, Lifeforce Tenka - Codename Tenka is still mighty playable and enjoyable.