Don't let the evil monster come back from the dead again!
Shadowgate is a fantasy adventure game, in which your main goal is to prevent the resurrection of this evil creature that has been terrorizing the lands of Castle Shadowgate. This is a very hard game, not because it's hard to control, but because the enemies are very powerful, can take you by surprise and also have, generally, a lot of life points. But, it's a game that is not unfair; you will find that later on better weaponry, spells and armor will become available, so that those encounters that used to take a toll on you, now are much more easier to negotiate and much less intense. Also, another specific idea of this game is that you cannot see in the dark; this means that you will have to look for torches, and make sure you use them scarcely, otherwise you risk bumping into a monster at the very last moment, unaware of its whereabouts. Graphically it's an alright, RPG in first person of the Golden Box era type of game, but it is sufficiently polished. Still, only for the most resilient in the face of frustration, otherwise this can truly be a very difficult game to play. A more playable download alternative can be Wizardry III, yet still for serious role playing fans.