A mini 4X that is lovely and more hinged towards RPG
You can call Sundog: Frozen Legacy an RPG and not lose a lot of precision in describing it, but what it actually is, given all of its gameplay bits and bobs, is a mini 4X experience. You play as if the game was a strategy at times, other times you'll feel like you're immersed in a cool futuristic RPG, and later on you'll play it as if the game is a space combat. Along with all these different genres, the game is also loooong, looong, loooong! Yap, you barely scratch at it if you only play it for, say, a few days; nope, what you need to do is actually play it for very long, months eve. Yap, that kind of takes it out of the leisurely, weekend game kind of category, though, definitely, Sundog: Frozen Legacy is a game that can be played in small chunk, though its addictiveness kind of makes that impossible, at least for hardcore strategy nd role playing freaks. Graphically, well, this might be the game's unmaking, as it surely doesn't look as good today, though it is a clean, alright game. Unfortunately, though, 1985 wasn't a time where games wehre known to be photorealistic, so if that is an important point for you, in picking up a game, then, maybe, this isn't the one you should choose! So for those of you that are graphically pretentious, but still want an immersive game, Elite 2 might do the trick better.