Brains! Yum!
In this era, when zombies and zombie apocalypses are extremely popular, this game would fit here like a glove. The House of the Dead is a horror gun rail shooter game that features the brain eating and dangerous zombie and - you guessed it!- they are your prey. The plot is a pretty typical and uninspired one, about a horde of undead people led by Caleb Goldman, who is an evil crazy scientist. Except zombies, there are also cool and scary monsters and much more. What is very cool about the game is the fantastic level design and the option to pick different routes, that provides a sense of variety in the game. There are also different endings, depending on the fate of the characters you control. The developers have depicted the violent, dark and scary atmosphere perfectly and while the voice acting are quite terrible and the enemies, in 3D, look hilarious comparing to today's graphical quality, the game is still nerve breaking and fear inducing. If you like dark, scary and violent games, you should totally check this game, or the game's final sequel, House of the Dead 3.