List of games released between 1985 and 1989
Showing 91 to 120 of 1583 games - sorted by popularity
Power Struggle (1989)
IBM BASIC Quiz (1989)
Math Rabbit (1986)
Michel Futbol Master & Super Skills (1989)
Maniac Mansion (1987)
Sword of the Samurai (1989)
Round 42 (1986)
Lost Dutchman's Mine (1989)
Robotron 2084 (1985)
Gauntlet (1985)
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks Inception (1988)
Jaws (1989)
Star Trek - The Rebel Universe (1987)
Eye of Horus (1989)
Strider (1989)
Typhoon of Steel (1988)
Feud (1987)
Orbiter (1986)
Dungeon Quest (1985)
Hat Trick (1987)
Vegas Casino 2 (1989)
Lawn Mower (1987)
Vectorball (1988)
Rockford (1987)
Gold Rush (1988)
Dark Castle (1986)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Marble Madness (1986)
Alternate Reality: the City (1985)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1987)