List of games tagged as "action based"
Showing 151 to 180 of 195 games - sorted by popularity
The I Of The Dragon (2004)
Sacred (2004)
DUO (2004)
Lemmings Paintball (1996)
Ultima 7 part 2: the Serpent Isle (1993)
Sudeki (2004)
World of Warcraft (2004)
Darwinia (2005)
Pathologic (2005)
Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004)
Magic & Mayhem: The Art of Magic (2001)
SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix (2004)
Zoo Vet (2004)
Bowling (2001)
EVE Online (2003)
Ball Blazing Fantasy (2003)
B.A.L.L.O (2004)
Blizzard Anthology (2000)
Scooter War3z (2005)
Super Taxi Driver 2006 (2006)
Resident Evil 2 (1998)
EVO: Search for Eden (1993)
Pizza Worm (1994)
Rally-K (1995)
Infestation (2000)
Overlord: Raising Hell (2007)
Exile: Escape from the Pit (1995)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003)
LEGO Racers 2 (2001)