List of games tagged as "action"
Showing 31 to 60 of 444 games - sorted by popularity
Kamui (1999)
Megarace (1993)
Stargunner (1996)
Revenant (1999)
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty (1999)
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (2004)
Major Stryker (1993)
Hogs of War (2000)
Runaway: A Road Adventure (2001)
Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Scarlet Hand (2002)
Worms (1995)
Little Big Adventure (1994)
F117 A - Stealth Fighter 2 (1991)
Silver (1999)
Secret Agent (1992)
Alien Rampage (1996)
Superball (1992)
Army Men (1998)
RC Cars (2002)
The Great Escape (1986)
Chicken Invaders 2: The Next Wave (2002)
Sanitarium (1998)
Privateer 2: the Darkening (1996)
Dungeon Keeper 2 (1999)
Star Trek - Judgment Rites (1993)
Screamer 2 (1996)
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D (1998)
Castles (1991)
Bio Menace (1993)
World War II: Battles of South Pacific (1993)