List of games tagged as "beat em up"
Showing 61 to 90 of 156 games - sorted by popularity
Batman Forever: the Arcade Game (1996)
West Adventure (1994)
Bruce Lee Lives: The fall of Hong Kong Palace (1989)
Blade Warrior (1991)
Barbarian 2 (1989)
Ultimate Body Blows (1994)
Pit-Fighter (1991)
Iron Man /XO Man o' War in Heavy Metal (1996)
Ninja (1986)
Dangerous Streets (1994)
Act of Fighter (1994)
Antagony (1995)
Streets of Rage (1991)
Franko: The Crazy Revenge (1994)
Streets of Rage 2 (1992)
Manhattan Dealers (1988)
Bad Street Brawler (1987)
Battle Wrath (1997)
Violent Fighter (1993)
Master Ninja: Shadow Warriors of Death (1986)
Cougar Force (1990)
Pee And Gity Special (1994)
Kung-Fu Master (1995)
Cruel World (1993)
Choose an Enemy (1991)
Human Killing Machine (1988)
Sailor Moon (1996)
Beast Wars: Transformers (1997)
Last Bronx (1997)
Destruction Desire (2004)