List of games tagged as "futuristic"
Showing 61 to 90 of 258 games - sorted by popularity
Netwars (1993)
Dune (1992)
Rotox (1990)
Space Invaders (1995)
RoboMaze 2: The Lobby (1991)
Megarace 2 (1996)
Terminator: the Future Shock (1995)
Normality (1996)
Extreme Pinball (1995)
BioForge (1995)
JetMoto (1996)
Trickstyle (1999)
Red Faction (2001)
2 Fast 4 U (1996)
Xenophage: Alien BloodSport (1995)
A.G.E (1991)
Geekwad Games of the Galaxy (1993)
Legends (1996)
Galactic battle (1990)
Cyborg (1982)
Conflict: Europe (1989)
CHAMP Asterocks (1997)
System Shock (1994)
Star Trek TNG: A Final Unity (1995)
POD: Planet of Death (1997)
CyberJudas (1994)
Starfighter 3000 (1994)
Inferno (1994)
Manhunter - New York (1988)
Pro-Pinball: TimeShock! (1997)