List of games tagged as "graphical if"
Showing 61 to 90 of 118 games - sorted by popularity
Orphee (1985)
The Pawn (1985)
The Hobbit (1983)
Nine Princes in Amber (1985)
James Clavell's Shogun (1988)
Spellcasting 301 (1992)
Les Manley in Search for The King (1990)
Die Kathedrale (1991)
Troll's Tale (1984)
Lancelot (1988)
ZZT (1991)
Journey - The Quest Begins (1988)
Time and Magik Trilogy, The (1988)
Gnome Ranger (1987)
Crack of doom, The (1989)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (1984)
Dream Prisoner (1995)
The Magnetic Scrolls Collection (1991)
Gateway 2: Homeworld (1993)
Borrowed time (1985)
Jewels of Darkness (1986)
The Black Sanctum (1984)
Questmaster I - Prism of Heheutotol (1988)
Planetfall (1983)
Spellcasting 201 (1991)
Das Stundenglas (1990)
Shenanigans (1983)
Hurlements (1988)
Dick Tracy: The Crime Solving Adventure (1991)
Transylvania 2: the Crimson Crown (1985)