List of games tagged as "horror"
Showing 1 to 30 of 201 games - sorted by popularity
Blood (1997)
Doom 2: TNT Evilution (1996)
Doom (1993)
The House of the Dead (1998)
Hexen 2 (1997)
Vampire (2000)
The Typing of the Dead (2000)
Ripper (1996)
Voodoo Island (1985)
Elvira 3: Waxworks (1992)
Blood 2: the Choosen (1998)
The House of the Dead 2 (1999)
Clive Barker's Undying (2001)
Creature Shock (1994)
Toxic Mayhem: The Troma Project (2002)
Alone in the Dark 2 (1993)
Noctropolis (1994)
Harvester (1996)
Wolfsbane (1995)
Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon (1999)
WhiteDay: a labyrinth named School (2001)
Gabriel Knight (1993)
Heretic (1994)
Sanitarium (1998)
The 7th Guest (1993)
Realms of The Haunting (1997)
Bad Mojo (1996)
Darkseed 2 (1995)
Blood: Plasma Pack (1997)
The House of the Dead 3 (2002)