List of games tagged as "lemmings variant"
Showing 1 to 30 of 37 games - sorted by popularity
The Humans (1992)
Lemmings (1991)
Diggers (1993)
Xmas Lemmings (1991)
The Lost Vikings 2 (1997)
Diggers 2: Extractors (1995)
Lemmings 3D (1995)
Lemmings 3 (1995)
The Lost Vikings (1992)
Lemmings '95 (1996)
Lemmings Chronicles (1994)
Lamers (1992)
Oh no! No more Lemmings! (1991)
The Humans 3 (1995)
The Humans 2 (1993)
Creepers (1993)
Save the Lemmings (1992)
Holiday Lemmings 94 (1994)
Lemmings 2 (1993)
All New World of Lemmings (1994)
Holiday Lemmings (1992)
Holiday Lemmings 92 (1992)
Lemris (1994)
Hamsters (1994)
Baldies (1995)
Holiday Lemmings 93 (1993)
Lemmings Paintball (1996)
Lemmings at War (2001)
Lemmings Revolution (2000)
Troddlers (1992)