List of games tagged as "math or logic"
Showing 31 to 60 of 83 games - sorted by popularity
Amado (1990)
The Mastermind (1992)
M*A*T*H*S Circus (1992)
Crystal Maze (1993)
Super Solvers: Outnumbered! (1990)
Legend of Myra (1993)
Yogi Bear's Math Adventure (1990)
Castle of Dr. Brain (1991)
Rescue Rover (1991)
Number Munchers (1990)
Super Solvers: Operation Neptune (1991)
Color Buster (1992)
Hexxagon 2 (1993)
Antrun (1993)
Gertrudes Secrets (1984)
Merlin Math (1992)
Avish (1993)
Friendlyware (1987)
Triskelion (1987)
Magic Boxes (1989)
Snarf (1988)
Abandoned Well (2003)
Microsoft Entertainment Pack: The Puzzle Collection (1997)
Sammy's Science House (1994)
Jezzball (1992)
Mega Math (1992)
Super Solvers Mission: T.H.I.N.K. (1999)
Rubik's Games (1999)
Math Blaster! (1986)
The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure (2004)