List of games tagged as "military"
Showing 181 to 210 of 211 games - sorted by popularity
Threat (1995)
Infestation (2000)
Full Metal Jacket (1996)
BMF (1997)
Triumph! War 2099 (2001)
Bastard Operator from Hell: Servers Under Siege (2000)
Orbital Sniper (2002)
Runner (2002)
Preben pa Eventyr 2000 (2001)
Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer II (1996)
Muzzle Velocity (1996)
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (2008)
Fire Brigade (1989)
Conflict: Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad (2003)
Spec Ops II: Green Berets (1999)
kill.switch (2003)
Far Cry 2 (2008)
Smoke Attack (2002)
Mall Monster (2002)
Teppodon (2004)
Smokin Guns (1993)
1942: The Pacific Air War Scenario (1995)
Battlefield Vietnam Redux (2005)
America' s Army (2002)
FrontLine (2003)
Cerberus (2001)
Destruction Carnival (1997)
Tango Strike (2004)
Ironclads: American Civil War (2008)
Jane's Combat Simulations: F-15 (1998)