List of games tagged as "mystery"
Showing 121 to 150 of 211 games - sorted by popularity
Murder by the Dozen (1983)
John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in Terror (1998)
Alida (2004)
Mysterious Journey II: Chameleon (2003)
Norman Cooks in "Search for the Don" (2002)
Discworld Noir (1999)
Lost in time 2 (1993)
Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom (1995)
The Moment of Silence (2004)
Amber: Journey Beyond (1996)
Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of Orpheo's Curse (1994)
Agon The Mysterious Codex (2006)
The Uncertainty Machine (2003)
Metropolis (1987)
The Cameron Files: Secret at Loch Ness (2001)
The Legend of Lotus Spring (1998)
Myst 5: End of Ages (2005)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Harbinger (1995)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Final Cut (2001)
Splinter Cell 2: Pandora Tomorrow (2004)
Pleurghburg: Dark Ages (2001)
Nocturne (1999)
Ballyhoo (1986)
Dark Side of the Moon (1998)
Riddle of The Sphinx (1999)
Corruption (1988)
Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch (2004)
City of Secrets (2003)
Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon (2005)
Robot City (1995)