List of games tagged as "puzzle based"
Showing 1 to 30 of 360 games - sorted by popularity
X-Tetris (1995)
Pacmania (1990)
Sextris (1992)
Sherlock Holmes and Curse of the Mummy (2002)
Heart of Darkness (1998)
Crystal Caves 3 (1991)
Maid Story (1997)
Fury of the Furries (1993)
Timelapse (1996)
Sex XoniX (1994)
Clans (1999)
Monster Bash 3 (1993)
X-Change 2 (1999)
Donkey Island (1994)
XOXO Hentai (1999)
Interactive Girls (1994)
Ladylove (1990)
X-Change (1997)
Solomon's Key (1988)
Super Nibbly (1993)
Lighthouse: The Dark Being (1996)
Penthouse Jigsaw (1991)
Cadaver (1990)
Alley Cat (1984)
Popeye 2 (1991)
Down in the Dumps (1996)
Impossible Mission 2 (1988)
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (1999)
Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure (2001)
Mission: Impossible (1991)