List of games tagged as "role playing"
Showing 1 to 30 of 327 games - sorted by popularity
Divi-Dead (1998)
Lula: The Sexy Empire (1997)
Interactive Girls (1994)
Fallout (1997)
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator (1999)
King of Dragon Pass (1999)
Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer (2000)
Gothic (2001)
Archimedean Dynasty (1996)
Ultima 5 (1988)
Eve Burst Error (1995)
Lula Virtual Babe (1998)
Throne of Darkness (2001)
Soulbringer (2000)
Rune Classic (2000)
DOR (2002)
Revenant (1999)
Arx Fatalis (2002)
Warhammer 40.000: Rites of War (1999)
Voyeur (1993)
Might and Magic 9 (2002)
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos (2002)
Dune (1992)
Secret Wives' Club (2003)
Dungeon Siege (2002)
Corsairs Gold (1999)
Enclave (2002)
Diablo (1996)
Toxic Mayhem: The Troma Project (2002)
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (1998)