List of games tagged as "sci fi"
Showing 31 to 60 of 212 games - sorted by popularity
Eradicator (1996)
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate (1998)
Blake Stone: Planet Strike (1994)
Iron Storm (2002)
Ufo: Enemy Unknown (1994)
Requiem: Avenging Angel (1999)
AquaNox (2001)
Star Wars Starfighter (2001)
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (2001)
Fragile Allegiance (1997)
Lost Eden (1995)
Tyrian 2000 (1999)
KKND: Krush Kill 'n Destroy Xtreme (1997)
Deadlock 2 (1998)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto (2000)
Outcast (1999)
Archimedean Dynasty (1996)
Eternam (1992)
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising (2001)
Vangers (1998)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast (2002)
Starship Titanic (1998)
Deus Ex GOTY Edition (2001)
Battle Isle: The Andosia War (2000)
Z (1996)
X-COM: Apocalypse (1997)
Privateer 2: the Darkening (1996)
Descent (1994)
Chaos Engine (1993)
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator (1999)