List of games tagged as "science fiction"
Showing 91 to 120 of 540 games - sorted by popularity
Mines of Titan (1988)
Essex (1985)
Battle Isle: The Andosia War (2000)
Duke Nukem - Episode 1: Shrapnel City (1991)
Frantis: Mission II (1993)
System Shock 2 (1999)
X-COM: Apocalypse (1997)
Blade Runner (1997)
Space Quest 3 - the Pirates of Pestulon (1989)
Rex Nebular (1992)
In Cold Blood (2000)
Omega (1989)
X-COM: Enforcer (2001)
Ranger Fox (1992)
Neo Hunter (1996)
Tegel's Mercenaries (1992)
Rapid Assault (1995)
Tracker (1986)
Super Dune 2 (1994)
Chronomaster (1995)
Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure (1995)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1984)
Nomad (1993)
Defiance (1997)
Sentient (1997)
Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative (1985)
Virus (1988)
Hoverforce (1990)
Roketz (1995)
Trekboer (1984)