List of games tagged as "tales and legends"
Showing 1 to 30 of 80 games - sorted by popularity
Super Mario Bros (1994)
Prince of Persia (1989)
Robin Hood - The Legend Of Sherwood (2002)
The Curse of Monkey Island (1997)
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark (1990)
4D Prince of Persia (1994)
Aaargh! (1988)
King's Quest 7: The Princeless Bride (1994)
King's Quest (1984)
Jill of the Jungle (1992)
Nomad (1993)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2003)
King's Quest 5 (1990)
Matterhorn Screamer! (1988)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993)
Below The Root (1984)
Space Quest 2 - Vohaul's Revenge (1987)
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients (1987)
221B Baker Street (1986)
Maniac Mansion (1989)
The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial By Fire (1990)
Donald Duck´s Playground (1986)
Dracula Trilogy (1999)
Sint Nicolaas (1998)
Quest For Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness (1993)
Broken Sword (1996)
Quest for Glory 3 - Wages of War (1992)
Colorado (1990)