List of games tagged as "word or trivia"
Showing 61 to 90 of 122 games - sorted by popularity
Arcade Trivia Quiz (1989)
You Don't Know Jack (1995)
Wheel of Fortune Deluxe (1994)
Chadwick and the Sneaky Egg Thief (1994)
The Oregon Trail II (1995)
Deal Or No Deal (2006)
You Don't Know Jack Jumbo (1999)
ABC Fun Keys (1989)
Trivia Machine (2004)
Boggle (1997)
Textris (1996)
Jeopardy! (1987)
Scrabble (1990)
Super Jeopardy! (1991)
Star Trek TNG: Interactive Technical Manual (1994)
Lexicon (1998)
BookWorm Deluxe (2002)
The Oregon Trail for Windows (1995)
Catch Simona in New York City (1993)
Rad van Fortuin (1990)
Lingo (1994)
Chainz (2003)
AlphaNatix (1997)
WordJong (2004)
TV and Cinema 101 (1984)
Mind Prober (1984)
Knowledge Adventure (1990)
Wordle (1995)
Acropolis (2006)
Brain Works (1998)