List of games released in 1982
Showing 61 to 88 of 88 games - sorted by popularity
CIA (1982)
Zap'em (1982)
Empire Original (1982)
NewTrek (1982)
Tigers in the Snow (1982)
Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai (1982)
Kamikazi Alien (1982)
Czorian Siege (1982)
Hoser (1982)
Jabbertalky (1982)
Backgammon (1982)
Spinout (1982)
Poke-Man (1982)
Warren's World: Lost Colony (1982)
Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (1982)
Draw Poker (1982)
Bit-Bat (1982)
JetSet (1982)
RaceMan (1982)
RAMSAK (1982)
Attack (1982)
PacWorm (1982)
XO-Fighter (1982)
Pac Man (1982)
Hique (1982)
Galactic Encounters (1982)
PChallenge (1982)
Datnoids (1982)