List of games released in 1983
Showing 91 to 110 of 110 games - sorted by popularity
Shultz's Treasure (1983)
One Hundred and One Monochrome Mazes (1983)
Vier Gewinnt (1983)
Touchdown Football (1983)
Laser Cycle (1983)
PolyMaze (1983)
Flipper (1983)
Evolution (1983)
Bomberman (1983)
Crush, Crumble and Chomp! (1983)
Hunchback (1983)
Knights of the Desert: The North African Campaign of 1941-1943 (1983)
Bumble Games (1983)
Chomps (1983)
Universe (1983)
Fowlplay (1983)
Capture the Enemy Space Ship (1983)
Juggles' Butterfly (1983)
Evolve (1983)
Maze (1983)