List of games released in 1986
Showing 91 to 120 of 247 games - sorted by popularity
Star Glider (1986)
S.D.I. (1986)
EGA-Roids (1986)
Sub Mission (1986)
Dizzy Dice (1986)
Defender of the Crown (1986)
Trinity (1986)
King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human (1986)
The Black Cauldron (1986)
Space Harrier (1986)
Baron: The Real Estate Simulation (1986)
Shanghai (1986)
Tera (1986)
Might and Magic: Secret of the inner Santum (1986)
Amnesia (1986)
High Rollers (1986)
Larn (1986)
Sherlock Holmes: The Vatican Cameos (1986)
Beyond the Titanic (1986)
Leygref's Castle (1986)
Grand Prix 500 cc (1986)
Maze Adventures (1986)
Super Boulder Dash (1986)
Design Your Own Railroad (1986)
Thunder Chopper (1986)
Shawl (1986)
Army Moves (1986)
African Desert Campaign (1986)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986)
Winter Games (1986)