List of games released in 1995
Showing 481 to 510 of 690 games - sorted by popularity
Pinball Wizard 2000 (1995)
Wild Board Games (1995)
Tube (1995)
Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom (1995)
Zoop (1995)
Cosmology of Kioto (1995)
Trudy's Time and Place House (1995)
Road from Sumter to Appomattox 2, The (1995)
Classic Arcade Games For Windows (1995)
Fighter Wing (1995)
CyberBykes (1995)
Diamond Dreams Baseball (1995)
Mahjong House 2 (1995)
Pinball Prelude (1995)
Battle Hamster (1995)
Lemmings 3D Winterland (1995)
Unnecessary Roughness '96 (1995)
Math Workshop (1995)
Precision Approach (1995)
Theatre (1995)
Fong Wan Tien Ha (1995)
Crusade: The Fight for Power (1995)
Il giardino incantato (1995)
Wordle (1995)
Jungle Jack (1995)
Locus (1995)
Cyborg: Hopy-ONE (1995)
Soltys (1995)
Midnight Oil (1995)
Briganty: The Roots of Darkness (1995)