List of games released in 2004
Showing 31 to 60 of 598 games - sorted by popularity
Blitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder (2004)
Hamsterball (2004)
Aura: Fate of the Ages (2004)
Sentinel: Descendants in Time (2004)
Turtle Odyssey (2004)
Restricted Area (2004)
Wik & the Fable of Souls (2004)
Metal Slug 5 (2004)
Perimeter (2004)
Cirque de Zale (2004)
Cold War Conflicts (2004)
The Political Machine (2004)
Ford Racing 3 (2004)
Shrek 2 Team Action (2004)
Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy (2004)
Conflict: Vietnam (2004)
FBI Hostage Rescue (2004)
Alias (2004)
Gooka: The Mystery of Janatris (2004)
Densha de Go! Final (2004)
New Star Soccer 2 (2004)
Axis & Allies (2004)
Winplex (2004)
Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (2004)
Amsterdam Street Racer (2004)
World of Warcraft (2004)
Garfield: Attack of the Mutant Lasagna (2004)
The Polar Express (2004)
18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal (2004)
Holiday World (2004)