A flawed survival game with an accent on simulation
Deus should have been the continuation of Robinson's Requiem both in the story told as well as in the tightening of the gameplay and in doing away with many of the bugs and inconsistencies of the original. Because the original game brought with it an innovative free form item combination system, gamers managed to look away at some of the problems that the game came with. However, being faced with the same challenges in the second game seemed a bit too lazy. With or without these bugs, the game is a very messy array of different mechanics and unfortunate choices. While some of the simulation is ok, most of the game feels like a constant trudge and, quite simply, it doesn't pay to suffer, as the reward is too small if not missing at all. Yes, the game had an original story, manage to survive on an alien planet, but so did Another World, and that game was really good. Whereas, this one is just a failed second attempt and you would be hard pressed to justify the time you spend with it.