Original plus the expansion pack
This is the Dungeon Keeper you want to play, as it includes the original content as well as the Deeper Dungeons expansion. Also, as the release note states, the game is much less buggy, so, that's another plus to take into consideration right there. So, what is Dungeon Keeper then? You probably heard of it but never truly understood the recipe, which was quite original for its time. You see, Dungeon Keeper is a game that is an RTS and world builder type deal, only that the building and the expansion happens underground! Yap, it's like a Sim City type game only underground, and also, it has some elements of Godlike games (Black and White, Sim Ant, etc), thus, you can exercise your inner demons and expel your nerves on the creatures from the abyss. Why would you want to go crazy underground, you might ask? Well, world domination is the goal, a kind of goal that will later be explored by Evil Genius, though in a game more inclined towards Austin Powers than towards cartoonish devilry. So, definitely give it a go, Dungeon Keeper is truly a remarkable combination of 2 different gameplay mechanics, and this gold version sure adds more diversity to keep you entertained (and to tingle your evil bone, hehe) for days on end.