Oldie Frogger; really playable and fun
This has got to be the oldest DOS Frogger game I've ever played, and while I expected it to be some sort of broken Atari 2600 messy game, much to my surprise I found it to be a friendly, satisfying, engaging Frogger game, with all the elements that make such a game. So, the gist of it all is still about taking a frog from one point of the street to the next, but while getting there, you want to make sure that you don't get squashed by the cars that litter the road. It takes patience but also quick reflexes to get to where you're supposed to without endangering yourself, but it's not as difficult as it may appear at first. Also, the game looks more than sufficient, better than I would have hoped. The colors and the shapes of the cars and lands are kind of minimal and jagged, but that was to be expected, plus, you always can tell where you are, where you need to be and the animation is well done, even if very simple. Alternatively, if you want a much more detailed Frogger game, download Frogger 3D, see how the third dimension affects the game.