
Arcade 2004 Windows PLBM Games Space combat Aliens invasion

Galaxian under an abbreviated name!

Playable, yet unapologetically a copy of Galaxian, this is a vertical shooter game, where you aim to bring down the hordes of invaders, invaders which, them too, are nothing but brethren of Space Invaders monsters! Yep, it's a game that looks, plays and even sounds like Galaxian, but, for the sake of a bit of originality, at least the alien hordes have their own marching rules, and they also have a few bosses which you won't be familiar with, from the original game. So, you play for the score, and you play to destroy all the invaders. You can swiftly move from left to tight but also up and down, if you so desire, but you have to remember to shoot! The game offers you quite a consistent number of levels, which, progressively become harder and harder, but never hard enough to truly give you troubles. Other than that, you will find this game to be alright, black and white, a sort of retro remake of the original, and, for all intents and purposes a good copy/rebranding of the original. So, shoot, dodge, and the glory will be yours!

Games related to Galaxi