Adorable Jazz
Jazz Jackrabbit is an action game released in 1994 by Epic MegaGames. Well, it is epic indeed, al'right! Who hasn't heard about Jazz Jackrabbit? You play as a green hare who must rescue a princess kidnapped by a turtle. Well, this objective isn't in fact really important, because the journey to your goal is the one that really matters. There are many things that make Jazz Jackrabbit a special game: the well-detailed and colourful graphics, the weak and hilarious monsters, the speed and lovability of your character, the beautiful soundtrack, the smooth gameplay. I was amazed as a child by the nonrepetitive aspect, represented by new sections and environments. Jazz Jackrabbit moves very fast, is acrobatic and has a voice similar to Bugs Bunny's. How could you not adore him? You can use several weapons like the blaster, the toaster (which is more powerful), the bouncer which shoots blue grenades, the RF Missile, and TNT which creates a massive damage. By collecting red gems, you will unlock bonus levels with a first -person perspective , where you have to get 30 gems and avoid obstacles, before the time runs out. Beside this, there are secret levels that wait to be discovered. I, for example, discovered them by mistake, without knowing about their presence in the gameplay. You better click the download button as soon as you read this review, because Jazz Jackrabbit is simply awesome!