Classic boardgames with...Mario!
Mario's Game Gallery is a bundle containing classic board games: it's got Yacht, dominoes, Go Fish, Backgammon, and also Checkers. All the games are cartoony graphically and you play against Mario. Even if it's definitely built to entice Mario lovers and children, it's also a game that does a great job of the games, not just a poor collection of games. Sure, it's a budget game, and it shows in the rather careless backgrounds, menus and so on, but all in all, Mario's Game Gallery is a great looking, and totally playable game. The best are the dominoes and the Backgammon games, in my opinion, and the fact that Mario laughs at you if you make a bad decision or pretends to be sad when he loses is just great. So, overall, Mario's Game Gallery is worth it, for lovers of Mario the character, as well as those that want a more colorful board game collection! And a good alternative can be Wild Board Games, a board games bundle too, but this time paying homage to Taz, the Tasmanian devil, and similarly colorful and cartoon style realized.