Prolific RTS game
It is a great real time strategy game which flaunts a variety of options and scenarios that will please you thoroughly. The goal that you have in the game is to build your very own railway road and you will only start with 100,000 $ that you have raised in the form of loan and by selling shares for your railroad company. The rail roads should be designed for the purpose of allowing local transportation needs of people and for carrying goods across country. You will also be building infrastructure of your company and will manage the resources optimally. You can also play in the stock exchange where you can manipulate the rates and the biddings to bring down your opponents and to rule the roost. The gameplay is very real time and is based on a very good gaming engine which gives you an in depth view of how business is done and how the resources are managed in the optimal manner. The scenarios and the level designs are distinct and the graphics in the game are really top notch. You will thoroughly enjoy each and every aspect of the game. Its sequel Railroad Tycoon 2 is even better with its more detailed scenarios and graphics.