Street Fighter like practical joke!
Time slaughter shows us what happens when a few guys (and not to discriminate, girls too, maybe, though generally, girls do seem to find better ways to spend their time!) want to recreate a classic arcade fighter. The result is a pure laugh out joke, but unfortunately it is barely playable. I always find it in me to fall in love with fan recreations of famous games, even if they re intently poised to make a joke of the original, but they do have to strike up a balance between pure debauchery and playability. Unfortunately, Time Slaughter is unplayable, there are huge synchronization and control problems, which don't allow you to sink in to the game, the combos do not really work and so the game, from a purely mechanical stand point, is a pure mess. Therefore, the crude jock mentality that this game breaths, the slap in your face game recreation, sounds and graphics alike, while funny, falls out flat as a game. And, honestly, it's a bit of a pity, as the drunken born idea to make a Street Fighter clone game during an alcoholic coma would have been an instant classic, if only it had been technically functional