List of games tagged as "third person"
Showing 31 to 60 of 336 games - sorted by popularity
Summoner (2000)
Inspector Gadget (1992)
Tomb Raider II - Gold: The Golden Mask (1998)
Enclave (2002)
Heaven' s Dawn (1995)
Conflict: Desert Storm (2002)
Rocko's Quest (2000)
The Scoop (1986)
The Case of the Cautious Condor (1989)
Gun Metal (2002)
AxySnake (2001)
Day of the Tentacle (1993)
Prisoner of Ice (1995)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (1995)
Bermuda Syndrome (1996)
Police Quest 3 (1991)
Fable (1996)
Quest for Glory 4 1-2: So You Thought You Were a Hero (2001)
The City of Lost Children (1997)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995)
Riddle of Master Lu (1995)
Future Wars (1989)
Return of the Phantom (1993)
Teen Agent (1995)
Zeliard (1987)
Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon (1998)
Return to Ringworld (1994)
Escape from Delirium (1995)
Ultima IX: Ascension (1999)
Secret Mission (1996)