List of games released between 1990 and 1994
Showing 1 to 30 of 2863 games - sorted by popularity
Tom & Jerry: Yankee Doodle CAT-astrophe (1990)
Formula 1 Grand Prix (1992)
Super Mario Bros (1994)
Dark Legions (1994)
Doom (1993)
Logical (1991)
Tetris Classic (1992)
Need for Speed (1994)
Aladdin (1993)
Tornado (1993)
SSN-21 Seawolf (1994)
Raiden (1991)
Lion King (1994)
SimFarm (1993)
Syndicate (1993)
The Smurfs (1994)
SimCity 2000 (1993)
Pirates! Gold (1993)
Network Q Rac Rally (1993)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (1991)
Fantasy Empires (1993)
Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
Global Domination (1993)
Dr. Rudy (1992)
Crystal Caves 3 (1991)
Championship Manager 1994 (1994)
Oil's Well (1990)
Guardians (1991)
SimAnt (1991)
Warcraft (1994)