Combat flight sim that is still playable
Oldschool flight game Aces of the Pacific manages to offer you so much with so little: it has unbelievably detailed terrains for its period, it packs a good deal of epoque specific missions, and, furthermore, these missions are diverse in gameplay as well. One neat example of attention to detail is the interior of the cockpits, which not only that they look as close to the originals that they try to emulate as possible, but the instruments are actually displaying relevant information about the altitude, inclination and so on. Then again, this is a 93 release, so, while I'd argue this was a pretty realistic game for its era, I'm not quite sure that many would feel as I do. Though truly, the physics that guide your plane are truly worthy and detailed, and I feel pretty realistic. So, ultimately, the struggle or the question will end up being whether you are in for graphical realism or for a slice of the era's offerings. But then again, there's always Microsoft Flight Simulator for more advanced graphical content, and Aces of the Pacific is a pretty balanced game for its time period. I say you won't be disappointed with it.