Comedic fantasy adventure based on Fables Fiends
The second point and click adventure in the series has an interesting premise. Zanthia, the alchemist young wizard finds out that the land of Kyrandia, the magical realm is under a threat of disappearing, piece by piece. It feels like a take on the Phantasia premise, but whatever, the way it is presented is just good enough to be worth a go. In the game, you will be tasked with the solving of regular adventure game puzzles, items combination, tile puzzle solving, but there are also puzzles that feel innovative, as they rely on the superpowers of the alchemist protagonist. Another great thing about the game is that it does not take itself too seriously. It can bring you to areas where you will encounter dinosaurs and them make fun of known tropes of the wizardry genre, thus managing to keep a fresh perspective on the adventure, throughout. With nice graphics and an ok interface The Legend of Kyrandia: book 2 sure manages to create a good experience, one that will appeal to adventure players who love wizard stories that are sufficiently convoluted but never too serious.